Tuesday, November 27, 2007

12 Days and counting

Today was a milestone--the last day of class. There will never be another first day or last day or anyday that I go to class, do homework, or read for school. From here there are only 12 more days left to do two presentations (30 min and 1 hour). One project demo (30 min) and finish-up two papers (30 pages--mostly written and 120 pages--all written just making final touches).

That's it!!! Then it's on to other things in life that I haven't been able to do for a while like hang out with my friends, travel, and sleep in on the weekends. There will be more stress in the future I'm sure, but if I can get through this, I think I can do just about anything I put my mind to.

This is a farewell to this blog. It has followed me through the journey of school for the last two years. Through the fun times and the stressful times. Through friends moving away and finding new friends. Now I leave it behind in pursuit of a more artistic or career related blog.

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