Friday, May 12, 2006

Issues around me...

Ok, so after going to global commute (put on by the invisible children group) I've taken on a new outlook on being involved in issues that are going on around me. I used to think that getting involved with issues were a waste of time but after writing a letter to President Bush about Africa during the global commute I see it as my obligation to the next generation.

So, here's the ones that I've recently written letters about:

Save the internet: This is for real, I checked before I filled out the information for the letter. This is big business trying to regulate the use of the internet. I wrote an email this morning, and already got a response from both our senators. Here's a link to information about it.

One: I know they are always sending out information, but it is my personal responsibility to help those in need when just 5 min. of my time can make a difference. Here's a quote about what's going on right now and a link to where to put your name on the list. "within the next 2 weeks the U.S. Senate is poised to slash billions of dollars from President Bush's plan to fight AIDS and poverty."

Ok, so now I've put my two cents worth out there. Don't feel obligated to get involved, I just wanted to let other's know what's going on....

PS. If you have any worthy cause that you think is important, feel free to reply to this post!!1

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