Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Just Do It!!

Ok, I've been reading John and James at the same time and last night they totally came together and it just amazed me so much that I must blog about it...
In John chapter 9 Jesus heals the blind man, yea a story I've read so many times I almost just skipped over it.  However, as I read it this time for some reason I gained a new prospective of Jesus' miracle.  Jesus healed the blind man but the blind man still had to go and wash in the Pool of Siloam before he could see. 
This might seem very insignificant, however when you read it with James 2:14-25 it sheds a different light on the John passage.  
The point- we have to not only have faith in Jesus we have to also do faith in Jesus.  "So you see that Abraham's faith and the things he did worked together.  His faith was made perfect by what he did" (James 2:22 NCV).  The passage goes on to talk about how faith without works is nothing.  This got me thinking that maybe God is doing miracles around us everyday but we don't see them because we aren't "doing" faith. We say "God I believe in you" but then when it comes to stepping out and doing what He has put on our hearts, we shy away and get preoccupied with things that are more convenient and considered normal.     Our minds reason away doing faith.  We reason away why we can't do something great for God.  Maybe this is saying hi to someone I meet in a store or class.... Maybe it's being faithful to the things God has asked me to do..But when all this becomes a habit and I have grown in my faith of who God is, maybe doing faith is more then this.
Well, as of right now I'm not sure where I need to DO faith.  But I know that I didn't just happen to read these two passages on the same day and have this conviction if it wasn't for a reason. 
Do faith my friends.....


Rach said...

See my comment on your last fits right in with this recent post. Coincidence? I think not! WEIRD!!!! Do it!!! ;-) I love what the Lord is showing you. I love how the man has go wash himself...Jesus could have healed him in a second but He didn't choose to work that way in this instance. I love our Lord and the way He works. I love that we are in a relationship with Him, and that we are participants in His much better then just sitting around and watching. You're the best my Lara!!!!!

rachie pie in the sky

Anonymous said...

Lara, I totally relate and am encouraged, I guess however that the question is not just a matter of wanting to do faith but, how to do faith. This is the issue that I struggle with. I want so bad to please my Lord to honor Him by "doing faith". But doing faith is so hard when you don't know how to do it. I'm always wishing that God would say " here Rico this is what I want you to do" Then I would know what and how to do it. How rad would that be? It's only rad however, in my feeble little mind. Because basically I'm saying that I want God to act and respond in the way I like. I want Him to respond in the way that makes the most sense to me. But, who is the creator and who is the created? It just seems so much easier for me in MY mind, but that is just it. It is all about me. It is always about me. I always want things my way. When in reality it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with Him. I want faith to make sense, to have a systematic reason. The have a formula that A + B = C, But, Faith is not always going to make sense, it was never designed to. Faith is blind, it is the "conviction of the things unseen" or misunderstood. Faith is a condition of the heart and not of the mind. We don't understand faith until we live it out, but we won't be able to live it out unless we turn off the natural mind, the hindrances of the flesh and become transformed by the renewing of our mind. Then I believe that we will be able to do faith, and not reason ourselves out of obedience. Oswald Chambers says that "man has to go out of himself in his covenant with God as God goes out of Himself in His covenant with man. We have to step out and die to our humanity in order to properly relate to God. My prayers are for you in that you would be able to do just that! And in doing so enjoying our amazing lord to the fullness of all the he has for us, not just in this world but in all of eternity. Thanks for the blog, it really made me think. I don't know if anything I said made sense, hey! but I guess it doesn't have to right? Anyways it helped me, maybe it will help you.