Friday, December 02, 2005


So I'm thinking about getting a laptop and I'd like to know what everyone thinks of them.  I think I would use the wireless aspect of it (studying at a coffee shop, or outside at school) a lot and I would still have my desktop for all the serious storage of movies, music and all my huge picture files.  Does screen size make a big difference to you guys?
Well, I'd love to here your comments......


Rach said...

I like laptops...they really make me smile, and so if something is going to make you smile then I definitely think you should invest. Smiles are good things! Hey, then we could sit at our wireless coffee shops together and smile at eachother over our laptop screens...*sigh*...I can see us now....ok, now I'm just getting a little too excited about laptop smiles....bye my friend.

Josh Mock said...

I love my laptop. It's a great thing to be portable and, in my opinion, the price is well worth it. Having the flexibility to just move around the house is so nice. I can have the TV on and be online, or I can be making dinner and have it on the counter (out of harm's way, of course).

My recommendation would be a Dell or an IBM ThinkPad. I have a ThinkPad and it's awesome. They're not quite as pretty-looking as Dells, but they have a lot of great features. helped me out when I was laptop shopping.

Anonymous said...

Me personally I don't care for laptops. Compared to desktop computers laptops have very little going for them. They are 1. more expensive, 2. slower hardware, 3. easier to break, 4. harder (usually impossible) to repair without an expensive service tech call, 5. much more difficult and expensive to upgrade which results in shorter useful life expectancy, 6. have smaller screens than desktops resulting in eye strain, 7. easy to steal, and 8. have smaller difficult to use keyboard and pointing devices leading to wrist and arm strain.

The one thing laptops have going for them is they are portable. So if in your mind portability is enough to overcome the above limitations, I say go for it. Else, stick to desktop PCs.

Anonymous said...

I second (or would it be third?) Josh & Rachel's posts - laptops rock. I love mine (even though it's not technically mine and it has been finicky lately). Even so, it's so awesome to just plop down anywhere - the couch, the coffee shop, wherever - and be online and chatting with people or surfing the web or blogging or whatever you want!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and to answer your question, screen size has never bothered me too much on my laptop. I'm much more opinionated about having a big screen on a desktop PC, but on the laptop I don't care. Big is nice, but not necessary. Definitely not worth hundreds of extra $$$...

Lara Nichols said...

Thanks for all the comments...I'm going to wait and see what prices do over the holidays.... If you think of anything else that you dislike or love about your laptop let me know

Anonymous said...

OOOOOO waga!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Brian. Portability is the only reason I want a laptop, and a small screen size bugs the heck out of me. But that's probably 'cause I'm always dealing with images. :)